I have 51 days until graduation and I am soooo excited! I am ready for college to be over, but I am not ready for art school to be over. I love being in the art environment, feeling completely submerged in the culture it creates. I love being a Fine Arts major and these past two years were amazing. I felt so connected to and inspired by all the people around me. I was sad to see last semester end it was the end of my photography classes, printmaking classes, and advanced drawing classes. My last semester I am stuck in classes that feel like they are a list of things I need to get done so I can be done.
Today I went out with Mark and Kamal and helped them come up with a list of questions to ask DeeRanged, had a meeting with Rob about my independent study and went to capstone for a couple minutes to over what is going down during our exhibition this Thursday. I also cleaned the house, I mean cleaned, I moped the kitchen floor. It was a very productive and inspiring day! It made me realize that although I am taking a bunch of classes I am not enjoying that much this semester every once in a while I get to feel that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction of working on something that means something to you. I am going to be happy when I graduate but sad to officially say good by to the art building and Heistand and everything great that happens inside of them.