Friday, March 27, 2009

Some updates & amazing things

-Strawberry Short Cake is amazing.

- I have 3/4ths of my prints framed and ready to go up for the show next week!

- I should have all of them done, but someone erased my print profiles for half of them and it took me a couple hours get them back to where I needed it to be today.

- Showers are amazing

- They have replaced the old smelly liquid soap in all of the bathrooms on campus to clean smelling foam soap. I am probably more excited about this than I should be.

- We got our cards for the show next week! And I am on it!! BE THERE!

-Fruit is amazing

- My newest favorite way to waste time is Text Twist. My other friend Sam and I spent forever playing it today. It turns out two Sams is better than one. We got the six letter word first more than half of the time which made us feel very accomplished before we had even had lunch.

- Walked in to the photo studio today to find this on one of the doors. I can now check this off of "You Might Be an Art Student If...." list.

-Fudge Pops are amazing

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