Sunday, September 21, 2008


While Donna and Jim were over for the weekend we stopped in an Amish Furniture Store just to have a look and ended up finding one of the best antique shops I have ever been in. In the store we found a Argoflex camera. Surprisingly I had enough will power to put it back in the case and let the women lock it up, even though I was thinking of all of the amazing TvF photos I could take.

Apparently while I was off looking at old post cards sneaky Donna bought it for me. When we walked about of the store she asked if I wanted to see her purchases and unwrapped it from a handful of paper towels. My first ever TLR. Now not only can I shoot medium format film, but I can also take real TvF photos instead of faking them.

The only thing I wasnt looking forward to was building the contraption that connects my digital camera to the Argoflex. However, tonight while I was still working on my outline for African Art History Mark sat down in the middle of the living room and started building one for me.

I love him.

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